Mittwoch, 2. Juni 2010

Internationaler Appell zur Freilassung von Bernard Rappaz

Modellbrief an die Ministerin für Sicherheit, Sozialwesen und Integration des Kanton Wallis, Esther Waeber.

Dear Mrs. Waeber,

After 14 days of freedom due to medical reasons, Swiss hemp farmer Bernard Rappaz has been imprisoned again.

This temporary freedom came after 50 days of hunger strike. Bernard Rappaz is in danger.

There is an urgency. No-one can make him change his mind. Bernard Rappaz is ready to die. His death can be avoided simply by using a humanitarian approach. Is it necessary for him to die in the fight in favour of a rational policy concerning hemp and cannabis, a policy that truely protects youngsters, a policy that he has been promoting since a long time?

Rappaz is a victim of the curves in Swiss drug policy. After having liberalised hemp during some years, the Swiss authorities chose again for a policy of repression, of which Rappaz has become the target. After having worked for years to obtain a better understanding for hemp in Swiss society, Bernard Rappaz is today the scapegoat of the return of the war on drugs in his country.

It is unacceptable that these political decisions produce this kind of victims. Therefore we urge you to liberate Bernard rappaz as soon as possible.

We ask you to use your influence to stop this hunger strike. You have the power to suspend his prison term untilm the decision to review his trial will be taken. Without mentioning the possibility to concede him exceptional grace.

I also inform you of my decision to associate to Bernard’s hunger strike, as a member of the international „solidarity hunger strike chain“ that was initiated by the collective Cannabis Sans Frontières.

Please receive my sincere greetings

Name – Signature

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